

General Meetings | Unipolar Disorder
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General Meetings
General meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month unless otherwise noted. They give us a chance to hear a speaker, ask questions, meet new and old friends, and purchase books and other printed material. Family members, friends, professionals, and anyone else with an interest in "life in balance" are welcome.

Please note:  General meetings are on hold until further notice.

MDDA of Metro Detroit is privileged to include as our Medical Advisors: Alvin Michaels, M. D. and Alan Rosenbaum, M. D. We thank our advisors for all of their assistance.

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For further information please contact us at:
Our E-mail address  
or at P.O. Box 32531, Detroit, MI 48232-0531.
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Copyright © 1999-2004 DBSA Metropolitan Detroit
Thanks to © Art Today for their graphics.
Most recent revision Saturday, February 16, 2004