

General Meetings | Unipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder | More...

Major depression can occur at any age while...
bipolar disorder usually strikes before the age of 35. Both often go undiagnosed. Today an array of medications can be used alone or in combination to treat affective disorders. Appropriate medicine, psychotherapy, exercise and support networks appear to be the best approach to health.

Seeking reliable professional help is...
vital. DBSA provides a support network to reinforce cooperation with doctors, therapists, and a variety of other professionals.

We, the members of DBSA, find...
the journey toward mental health can be trying. Positive attitude and supportive environment give us, our family and friends hope. Knowledge about the disorders and their treatments help us find we are not alone.

Free, and as part of national organization...
DBSA offers confidential Support Group meetings in Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Shiawassee, Washtenaw, Wayne counties and Windsor, Ontario. Group leaders are unipolar and bipolar peers. There is time for people to talk of how they survive - and live or even laugh - with disorders. Similarly time is given to friends and families. There are Dual Diagnosis meetings for those with affective disorder along with abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

DBSA strives to inform the general public and to challenge...
misinformation, myth and stigma surrounding these disorders.

DBSA educates by pointing out that unipolar and bipolar disorders...
are medical conditions. Often they stem from a combination of genetics, psycho-social factors and biochemical imbalance.

The Association was founded in 1983 by people...
with disorders who wanted to supplement existing treatment with a confidential network of support and acceptance. New support groups are formed often as membership grows.

Life in Balance, the DBSA newsletter, provides...
professional news, advice and research. It lists local events such as National Depression Screening Day and Health-O-Rama. Volunteers at these events offer up-to-date material on unipolar and bipolar disorders. Advance time/place and group leader phone numbers are printed on Page Two of the newsletter. If you want to order the Life in Balance newsletter, simply print and fill out, and mail our order form.

Home | Support Groups | Hope | Education

For further information please contact us at:
Our E-mail address  
or at P.O. Box 32531, Detroit, MI 48232-0531.
To join DBSA and receive our monthly newsletter(s) fill out our order form.

Copyright © 1999-2004 DBSA Metropolitan Detroit
Thanks to © Art Today for their graphics.
Most recent revision Saturday, February 16, 2004