Mark your calendar on the 4th Monday of every month as a time to join your DBSA friends and enjoy an evening of education, an opportunity to meet new people and socialize with friends. Funding for the Fourth Monday Mixers are provided by a grant from Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority.

Where: William Beaumont Hospital, 3601 W. Thirteen Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI in the Administration Building, Lower Level, Classroom 1. Beaumont is located off of 13 Mile Rd. just west of Woodward Ave. Come into the entrance furthest west of Woodward Ave., the sign says “Staff/Receiving.” For more directions and parking information call Beaumont at 248 551-5000.

When: 7:00pm refreshments will be served. This is a great time to talk to others and meet new people. Please come see your friends from DBSA Metro Detroit, and enjoy our program every month.

All “Fourth Monday Mixers” are open to the public and free. For more information
call Michael at (248) 770-3918.

Monday September 23, 2013
Sherry Gerbi
Sherry Gerbi is one of those people you meet sometimes in life who have the skills and character to turn a lemon into lemonade! She was diagnosed with a mental illness while in her 30’s. Just 4 ˝ years ago her life was in dire straits. She lost her job, had no money, no insurance, and could see little way out anymore for her. Sherry will share some of her life story as well as what she is doing today that aids her recovery and, at the same time, is aiding the recovery of many, many others. She is a very bright, passionate and tireless advocate for those who are challenged by mental illness. She is, politically involved, most recently in advocating for Medicaid expansion. You don’t want to miss this Mixer!

Monday October 28, 2013 7:00p.m.
Malkia Maisha Newman
Malkia is a Community Educator for Community Network Services, "Helping Hands for Healing Minds." Malkia is also the President of the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority Board of Directors. She will present a powerpoint presentation titled "Total Recovery: The Roles of both Physical Health and Mental Health." Malkia will discuss the importance of protecting mental health through our physical habits. She will examine the recovery wheel, with a specific focus on the wellness component of it, and discuss the important connection between recovery and physical health.

Monday, November 25, 2013 7:00 p.m.
Barb Perrone
“Though I’m a scholar with degrees and initials after my name, I’m a bit of a pro when it comes to dealing with mental illness. The fact is, I’ve lived it for 30 years. Who says experience isn’t a great teacher? I’ve learned much from my experience with the full gamut of anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, manias and deep, deep depression. Today, my goal is to help anyone I can who finds themselves in the shoes I have worn…confused, feeling afraid and terribly alone. That is a horrible place to be. If I can help just one person feel even a tiny bit better, I’ve done my job.”

P O Box 371 Clawson, MI 48017-0371
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