

Unipolar and Bipolar Disorders are the most common...
of the affective disorders and appear in all cultures. They are among the most responsive to treatment. Winston Churchill, writer Edgar Allen Poe and artist Vincent van Gogh likely suffered from them. Research shows many people with such disorders are bright and creative. Other famous people include:
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Barbara Bush
  • Pattie Duke
  • Kristy McNichol
  • Beethoven
  • Brian Wilson
  • Gordon Sumner
  • Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
  • Charles Dickens
  • Kay Redfield Jamison
  • Jimmy Piersall
  • Alonzo Spellman
  • Kate Millett
  • Tim Burton
Others of us, who are not so famous, have found hope and help from DBSA. We share are hope in our Hope From DBSA Members page.

In DBSA "Hope" is the product of support and education.
When you attend support group meetings, and share fellowship with persons of the same medical history, you develop a network of support, and you may gain insight and understanding to the ways these illnesses work. Both depression and bipolar illness or manic-depression are best treated by adhering to a routine of seeing your doctor, taking the prescribed medications properly, having a proper diet and exercise, and taking advantage of a support group like DBSA.

It is very hopeful to keep the following in mind...
Manic-depression and depression are both treatable illnesses and in many instances the recovery of the individual is very good. What's more, there are many examples of famous persons who had either depression or manic-depression, and in spite of this were able to lead very productive lives, and in many cases they were outstanding in their respective fields. Some encouraging things that are going on today in the medical field are the discovery and production of new medications, and ongoing research into how the brain and the nervous system work.

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Copyright © 1999-2004 DBSA Metropolitan Detroit
Thanks to © Art Today for their graphics.
Most recent revision Saturday, February 16, 2004