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The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Metropolitan Detroit (DBSA) is a self-help group for those diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or Depression (Unipolar Disorder).

Family, friends and a variety of professionals are also included and are an important part of our organization. DBSA Metro Detroit is run by the members. We offer hope, support, and education. We are an affiliate of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance which has 275 chapters.

Check back often!
Please visit us again to find out about our monthly speakers and topics, updates to our support group meeting list, and more.

The Monday Night Mixers have been post-poned indefinitely! We are modifying our events to better serve the community. We will be reducing our events to a quarterly calendar with the goals of better connecting individuals with one another.

In July, we are planning a social event during July 28th. This event will be fashioned after our very successful First Annual Anxiety Free Holiday Dinner! Rosie O’Grady’s in Ferndale (on 9 mile) will be hosting us! We will be supplying dinner and a wonderful evening of gathering and socializing. Seats will be limited and we ask that you RSVP as soon as possible.

Please contact Michael @ 248.770.3918 and leave your name, phone number and email address. You will receive a return call confirming your seat.


P O Box 371 Clawson, MI 48017-0371
© 2011 DBSA Metro Detroit All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer