You can either join DBSA using our online PayPal account, or you can join by filling out our form and mailing it here. |
Individual Membership $25.00
(This includes 1 bi-monthly newsletter
sent to 1 address) |
Family Membership $35.00
(This includes 2 bi-monthly newsletters to 1 or 2 addresses.) |
Professional Membership $50.00
(This includes 5 bi-monthly newsletters
sent to 1 address) |
Institutional Membership $130.00
(This includes up to 15 bi-monthly
newsletters sent to 1 address) |
Financial Hardship Membership $5.00
(This includes 1 bi-monthly newsletter
sent to 1 address) |
Allow four to six weeks for delivery to begin. Try a
free issue of Life in
Balance by
taking part in groups where newsletter is available for
newcomers only. |
Donation may be a gift membership,
a contribution in memory or in honor of an individual,
family or organization. |
Donate to DBSA |