DBSA Order Form for Conference Videotapes
Name_______________________________    Day Phone (   )_______________

Street_____________________________  Night Phone (   )_______________

City/State ______________________________  9-Digit Zip_______________

The Conference Planning Committee will be taking orders until March 17, 2003
for VHS videotapes of the 5 presentations that were taped at Conference
2002.  Please send check or money order for $20.00 for each tape ordered.
This fee includes shipping and handling.  The presentations available on VHS
videotape are:

_____ Alan Rosenbaum, MD - "Women's Issues:  The Power of Hormones"
_____ U.S. Congresswoman, Lynn Rivers - "Managing Work & Illness"
_____ Michele Reid, MD - "Treatment of Affective Disorders"
_____ Alvin Michaels, MD - "Treating Children & Adolescents With Mood Disorders"
_____ Michael Brooks, DO & Thomas Kane, DO - "Double Trouble:  Mood Disorders
           With Addictive Disorders" 

Orders will be shipped shortly after the March 17, 2003 deadline.
Mail list of tapes purchased and check or money order to:

Sue Santel-Fenner
6339 Hereford St.
Detroit, MI 48224-1263